Welcome please explore my life!:)

Welcome please explore my life!:) I have so much to talk about!

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Today 9-12-2011

So today was Homecoming and I decided not to go. My Girlfriend got mad at me Just because I didnt want to go. So we got into a huge arguement. But Ill Tell you how we got into the argument and how it ended. But anyway this is how my day went. I woke up and ate some of my moms bomb burritos! And then after I went and played some black ops and that's how our arguement started. She was all mad at me for no reason. Like I think it was because i didn't want to take her to home coming. So I guess that gives her a reason to be mad at me? But anyways we were going back and fourth on each other about stupid crap. And then during that time I played Black Ops for about 5 Hours straight! It was crazy! Then I had to go help my dad clean up my back yard because my aunt and my cousin were coming over to come swimming. So it took me about 30 minutes to clean the back yard. Then I took a shower and left to my friends. I went there instead of homecoming. It's like im not gonna waste my money on a girly ive been dating for a week. When I went to my friends house we just played just dance 2 and then ate and then went swimming. So now to the good stuff. We were argueing all day. And I just finally had it and just broke up with her because she was just to much but its all good. Im all ready over her. Sorry I havent been doing a lot of blogs recently ive been super busy with school! But stay turned for the next blog!

Monday, August 8, 2011

Today's blog 8-8-11

So today I got up and did nothing for 5 hours and then mowed my yard and burnt up my moms old bills because we didn't have a shredder so we got a metal trash can and put the bills in and lit them on fire we still have a lot more to do! After I just chilled for the rest of the night. I think my house may be haunted because at 2 am early this morning I smelt pot roast and I wasn't Hungary so it was weird and my mom said she thinks it is to.... So I'm kinda scared haha. But that's all for today sorry for the boring blog!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Phone text

So I decided to give this a test because I wanna start blogging on my phone!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

What I did today! 8-6-11

Today started off pretty great! I woke up and went to my school registration! Everything went well except for I got 1st lunch and most of my friends got 2nd! I'm very disappointed but it's all good. I got back from that and played Black ops and then fell asleep and didn't wake up till 12 in the afternoon from there I just cleaned my house and played black ops at around 8:30 I went to my friends to chill and hangout. We had a blast. Until the girl I have the deepest crush on seemed mad. I asked her what was wrong but she didn't want to tell me. Idk if that's a good or bad thing? So she quit texting me so I hope in the morning she texts me.... But after my friends I came home played Black ops till 2:20 am and now I'm laying in bed writing this. I hope tomorrow it going to be better and hopefully she texts me back!